Aachen 2023

After Lottie was already present in Aachen this weekend for the opening ceremony, she is now there to participate in the competition.
Lars van de Hoenderheide, s. Negro is participating in the 4* competition that is organized next to the 5* competition. And in Aachen only the world’s best horses take part and the starting list of the 4* Grand Prix is filled with big names and well-known horses.

In this Grand Prix Lottie rode the chestnut gelding to a good 75% which was good for a second place!

Photo: sire Negro

Especial in show evening “Pferd und Sinfonie” in Aachen

Every year, the CHIO Aachen kicks off with a show in which music and equestrian sports meet. This year, the organization chose Great Britain as partner country and of course world champion Charlotte Fry could not be missed in this show.
She rode this show on the gray Especial, Everdale x Vivaldi, breeder C. van Bavel from Oosterhout, who competes internationally in the Grand Prix. Fun fact is that his son Everest has been admitted to the final round of the World Cup selections for the Netherlands.
Accompanied by the Aachen Symphony Orchestra, they rode a beautiful Freestyle that was also particularly attractively lit.

Watch the video on YouTube here


Big scores for Charlotte Fry with Inclusive and Especial: ‘Very cool that I ride two Everdales in the Grand Prix’

Charlotte Fry stood out today in the Grand Prix at the Subtop competition in Hoek van Holland. With Inclusive (by Everdale) she won the class with a score of 72.717% and with Especial, also a son of Everdale, she came second with a total of 71.413%. “Both horses went very well and showed their talents,” says Fry, who not only had the highest score in the class, but also the highest score of the day. “This is a really nice start to the summer season with these two.”

It was the first time outside for both horses and although that was still a bit exciting, they both let themselves be ridden well. “I always find it a little easier for the horses at an international competition because they are there for a few days and have a little more chance to get used to it, but I really couldn’t be more satisfied today,” continues Fry. “Inclusive thought it was a bit exciting for the first time outside, but he showed himself very well in the test. He has a huge talent for the piaffe and passage and we had nines for that on the protocol today. There were some small things that I can do better myself, but overall it was a really nice test.”

Getting stronger

In addition to the good points for the piaffe and the passage, the duo also received good points for the canter part. “I notice in the test that I can ask more of Inclusive every time and that it is becoming easier and easier for him,” continues the stable rider of Van Olst Horses. “He surprises me every time with that, he is of course also getting stronger. You can see this, for example, in the tempi changes, which scored  8.5s today and were really among the highlights of the test.”


For Especial it was the second time at the highest level and with him Fry was also about six percent separate from the rest of the competition. “Especial is still green at this level, but he really showed his talents today,” said Fry. “He gives a very nice feeling and, just as Inclusive, he has a lot of talent for piaffe and passage. If he gets a little more experience and stays a bit more relaxed in the test, those scores can go up a lot.”

Just like Everdale

“Of course I have several horses at the highest level and I am really very happy with that, but I also think it is really special that with these two I now also have two sons of Everdale in the Grand Prix”, says Fry proudly . “It is really nice to feel that they are very flexible and elastic just like their father and also have just as much energy. They always feel like they want to do the job and you can tell they enjoy being in the center of attention. It is very nice to work with them.”


Fry does not yet have a fixed schedule for Inclusive and Especial, but if possible she would like to take them internationally. “For me, the focus is currently mainly on Glamourdale, Everdale and Lars for the international competitions, but if I succeed I will also try to include Inclusive and Especial”, Fry looks ahead. “If those two get a little more confidence and experience, they will also be two very special ones.”


Source: Horses

Photo: Inclusive

Most expensive filly in Oldenburg by Kjento

Last weekend the first foal auction took place at the Oldenburger studbook. The collection included a filly by Kjento x Vivaldi x Kir Royal bred by Günter Söhnel from Gehrde. The foal, which descends from the same line as Glock’s Energy, was sold to Canada for € 33,000.

Photo: Oldenburg studbook

Day 3 Compiegne

For the horses in the 5* class in Compiegne, the Grand Prix Special and the Kur to music were ridden on Sunday. Lottie chose to ride Everdale in the Kur to music.

Everdale, Lord Leatherdale x Negro bred by Piet Kluytmans from Tilburg, was in good shape and showed why he belongs to the top of the world. He trots with great technique and scope, piaffes like clockwork, his passage is high off the ground with power and impulsion. The canter is incredibly uphill and the pirouettes turned on a dime, in short, everything a top dressage horse needs. The score in the freestyle came to 85.675%, which was again an improvement on his personal best!

Looking back on three days of sport in Compiegne, we cannot be more than pleased with the form of these three horses: Lars who scores a PB in both the Grand Prix and the Freestyle to music, Jackson who proves to be a real future horse for Lottie and also gets a PB in the Prix st. Georges and then of course Everdale who is still getting more powerful and more consistent and also scored a PB in the freestyle to music.

The Saturday in Compiegne

After the victories of Lars in the 3* Grand Prix and Jackson in the Prix St. George, Everdale was the first horse to enter the arena on Saturday for his Grand Prix test in the 5* competition.
Everdale his last competition was in Mechelen in December last year and Compiegne was therefore the first (outdoor) competition of this year. Fresh as ever, he went through the test, where it was noticeable that the whole exuded a little more ease than in Mechelen. For example, the piaffe was even more powerful, even more in rhythm and with even more balance, the canter changes scored several nines and nines were also given for the pirouettes. The final score of the duo was 77.413% and a second place.

Then it was Jackson’s turn to make his appearance in the Intermediare I. The son of Everdale, who was bred by Van Olst Horses out of the full sister of the Olympic horse Elegance, made a few small mistakes which pushed the score a little, bringing the total to 72.382%, which is still a very good score. With these points, the duo ended up in third place, 0.3% behind number 2 and 0.5% behind number 1.
The first place was taken today by that other son of Everdale in this class, Everian L ridden by Anna Kasprzak.

On this busy day for Lottie, the Freestyle was also on the program with Lars van de Hoenderheide. The chestnut with its striking broad blaze seems to be born for the highest level. With all the ease in the world he shakes one exercise after another up his sleeve in which he does not seem to have any weak points. If you score no lower than a seven and your highest score is a 9.5 then you have no weaknesses. The score came out at 81.210%, a well-deserved first place and more than 4% difference with the number 2.

Photo: Everdale

CDI Compiegne

This year, the French town of Compiegne will hostthe start of the Nations Cup series dressage. On the beautiful grounds of the “Grand Parc Equestrian Arena” not only the 5* nations cup is on the program, but also, for example, the 3* Grand Prix and the international Small Tour class.
Lottie traveled to France with Everdale, who will compete in the 5* class, Lars van de Hoenderheide who competes in the 3* and Jackson who competes in the international Prix St. George  class.

On day 1, Lars van de Hoenderheide was the first of the trio to enter the arena. As the penultimate starter in the large field, the chestnut gelding made a very strong impression. With a practically flawless test, the duo managed to achieve a score of 75.783%, which was good for a 1st place and a solid PB!

At the end of the day, it was Jackson’s turn. The son of Everdale has competed in a handful of international competitions and Compiegne was his first ever outdoor competition. Lottie and Jackson started the test in the pouring rain. Despite the fact that it started to rain even harder, Jackson remained very concentrated on his work and they managed to achieve a score of 75.529%, which is again a PB!
In the same class, the Everdale son Everian L ridden by Anna Kasprzak managed to take third place.

Photo: Lars van de Hoenderheide

3 stalllions hannover approved

Last Thursday, the Hanoverian selection committee came to the Netherlands to view some of our stallions at home. The stallions Justin (Johnson x Sandreo), O’Frederic (For Romance I x Fidertanz) and Secret Lover (Secret x Furstenball) were examined both on the street and under the saddle.
All three stallions showed themselves very well. When Gertjan asked at the end of the assessment whether they would be approved, the answer was clear: “Of course”.
The committee was very impressed by the three stallions!

Photo: Secret Lover

TRACES Healthcertificate – Adres registration

Since the beginning of this year the Dutch authorities announced that it would only be possible to send semen to facilities that are registered in Traces (European Database) from the 1st of April.

At the 31st of March we received an email that the European Union decided to postpone this matter until further notice.

Yesterday the word came out that from now on, it is not possible to send semen to facilities that are not registered as a horse keeper / importer for horse semen in Traces.
When you order semen, please make sure you are registered correctly or renew your address with your government service!

If you are not registered in time, please send us the address of the veterinary clinic you use. At this moment we can still ad veterinary clinics to the Traces database.

Over 89% for Glamourdale and Lottie in the freestyle

With a score of 89.360%, Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale took the win today in the freestyle in Fontainebleau. Where there was a big mistake in the tempi changes yesterday today was an almost flawless test.
Glamourdale is getting stronger and continues to improve, which today was reflected in the piaffe and also in a canter pirouette. the hindlegs carrying more weight, sitting down a little more and still having the strength for a smooth transition to the next exercise.
Of course the canter parts were highlights again, tens were awarded for, among other things, the extended canter and the flying changes, but also for a half-pass in trot.