83.5 points for Glamourdale daughter Ocean on the IBOP
During the IBOP in Tolbert, Ocean (Glamourdale out of Fernanda M ster from Krack C, breeder Th.M. Haarman from Heeten) owned by Astrid Reinders and J. Jansen from Dalfsen achieved the highest score of 83.5 points. This immediately made her an elite. “This mare was very easy to ride and work with. She has a good walk with good use of her body. She has an elegant trot with good leg technique and posture. It is striking that it remains nicely collected, even during extensions. In the canter, for which she received a 9, she stands out with her good balance, impulsion, foreleg technique and uphill tendency,” explains Wim Versteeg.
Source: KWPN